Introducing a new approach to decentralized exchange (DEX) economics
MEX Price
Market Cap
Total Value Locked
xExchange Features
xExchange brings robust functionalities thanks to the advancements in the MultiversX protocol and its Smart Contract capabilities.
Swap Assets
Swap assets instantly, globally, inexpensively, automatically with incredible ease.
Liquidity Pools
Earn yield from transaction fees and liquidity incentives, in the form of LP tokens.
Staking Rewards
Stake Liquidity Pool (LP) tokens or MEX to earn more MEX.
Energy and Batteries
XMEX introduces the powerful concept of “energy”, which builds on the XMEX “time lock” concept to increment utility:
1 MEX can be locked into 1 XMEX. This XMEX comes with 0 energy.
No energy
Full Energy
You will be given the choice to charge your XMEX with either 1 year, 2 years or 4 years of energy.
1 XMEX Lock Period
Energy Points
1 Year
360 (= 360 x 1)
2 Years
720 (= 360 x 2)
4 Years
1440 (= 360 x 4)
The MEX Evolution
The token powering the decentralized exchange is MEX, which is also evolving in xExchange 2.0.
Capped Supply
The issuance will decrease year by year and will be zero in 8 years.
Less Inflationary
MEX will immediately be 3x less inflationary (-65%) than in Maiar DEX 1.0.
Fully Transferable
MEX remains fully transferable and also tradeable on xExchange and other exchanges.
Pay with MEX
Can be used for payments in xPortal, xSpotlight NFT marketplaces, xMoney platform.
Earn Rewards
Deposit MEX in the EGLD-MEX pool to earn trading fees and farming rewards.
Supercharged LKMEX Benefits
All benefits mentioned below will depend on the energy of the account without the need to allocate the energy or LKMEX.
LKMEX Benefits
Maiar DEX 1.0
xExchange (Maiar DEX 2.0)
MEX/LKMEX rewards for LKMEX stakers/holders
shared with MEX stakers;
need to stake
only for XMEX holders;
no need to stake
Metabonding Rewards
shared with EGLD stakers;
need to stake
no longer shared with EGLD stakers;
no need to stake
LP of other future MEX pools
Max. capped supply
xLaunchpad eligibility(based on energy)
Boosted APR for selected farms
Boosted APR for Metastaking
Earning energy removal fees (50% burn and 50% direct distribution)
Earning 0.10% of trading swaps(50% burn and 50% direct distribution)
Participating in governance
DEX Leagues
Soon you will compete with your friends and other xExchange members for a position in one of our new DEX Leagues, each offering you new benefits.
This is the easiest league, perfect for all.
The second league in difficulty to reach. Let the games begin.
The league for the best balanced players.
For all power users, the right mix of benefits and opportunities.
The most advanced league, only for the strongest.